This time of year can cause several skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, itchy/dry skin, split cuticles, cracked heels, and chapped lips. Don't worry, we've Taylor Made products for every one of these conditions.
Psoriasis + Eczema + Dermatitis - Our Chamomile Geranium Cream has a blend of essential oils and herbs to help alleviate symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. The best thing is, is that it is safe for infants and children. I formulated this product for my mother who at the time was dealing with psoriasis in her scalp. After a few applications, she noticed it started to disappear.
Over the years, we have found this product useful for other skin conditions like shingles and cradle cap.
Itchy/Dry Skin - Our Hand + Body Cream - is an ultra-rich, super hydrating thick cream to help any type of dry/itchy skin. I apply it to my legs after I shave, and since we have wood heat and I love to take SUPER hot showers in the winter, I literally have to drown myself in this cream. I have found immediate relief from dry/itchy skin that lasts for days.
Split Cuticles/Cracked Heels or Hands - I wish I could tell you how many customers rave about how our Herbal Skin Salve helps with these issues. I actually call it my A- Z salve. You can use it on pretty much any skin condition. When the kids were little, I formulated it as a diaper rash salve. Over the years, we run to get it for a burn, bee sting, cut, abrasion, and you name it. In the winter, my husband uses it every night on his hands to help prevent split cuticles.
What makes it so effective? Lots and lots of love... well, that's not the whole truth. We add specific herbs like comfrey, a cell proliferator which helps to increase new skin growth, calendula, an anti-inflammatory herb, and lavender essential oil which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. That's what truly makes it so effective!
Chapped Lips - our shea and cocoa butter enriched lip balms are hydrating, and silky smooth. I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has about 20 of our lip balms in her purse, car, home, etc. because she too swears that her lips are not the same without a daily application of our lip balm. We love our customers!
Don't forget to exfoliate too! Our whipped sugar scrubs are made with paraben and glycol free soap and sugar to help exfoliate and cleanse your skin all in one. Sugar is gentle on the skin, helps remove dead skin cells while hydrating it at the same time. Your skin will feel soft and radiant afterward.
Maybe I didn't cover something you are looking for? Shoot us an email. We would love to answer your questions or concerns.
Christy Teter
owner and founder